Thesis topic:

Developing Innovative Methods for Human-Centric Cybersecurity Training

  • Supervisor: Mubashar Iqbal
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  • Develop and evaluate innovative training methods that improve human cybersecurity behaviour, including phishing awareness and safe online practices. This topic focuses on creating new and practical approaches to cybersecurity training that prioritize the human element. In cybersecurity, the human element refers to individuals interacting with computer systems, networks, and data. This research recognizes that humans, including employees and end-users, play a critical role in an organization's cybersecurity posture. For example, traditional cybersecurity training often focuses on technical aspects, such as configuring firewalls or implementing encryption. A human-centric approach acknowledges that people's actions, behaviours, and decisions are central to cybersecurity. It emphasizes understanding human psychology, user behaviour, and how individuals respond to security threats.
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