Information Security Research Group


The Information Security research group actively participates in the international and national projects, including: research projects, where the research problems are defined, elboorated and solutions are developed, and education projects, where course curriculums and educational material is developed



IO1.1Recognising phishing and skills gapsEnglishEstonianLithuanianLatvianGreek
IO1.2:Analysis of Existing Cybersecurity training programmesEnglishEstonianLithuanianLatvianGreek
IO2.aShort version of curricula for disseminationEnglishEstonianLithuanianLatvianGreek
IO2.bExtended version of curricula for training material development and for trainingEnglishEstonianLithuanianLatvianGreek
IO3Online learning material (integrated into the online learning platform)Training material, Online learning environment
IO4Simulations for education (gamification) (integrated into the online learning platform)Training material, Online learning environment
IO5Self-evaluation and knowledge evaluation system (integrated into the online learning platform)Training material, Online learning environment
IO6.1Methodological guidelines for trainersEnglishEstonianLithuanianLatvianGreek
IO6.2Methodological guidelines for implementationEnglishEstonianLithuanianLatvianGreek
  • This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.