- Analysis of cyber security risks and mitigation options for automated systems and technologies and creation of educational videos (RIA, Estonia)
- Applied Research on Cyber Security of Smart City Mobility Solutions (CybExer Technologies, Estonia)
- CyberPhish: Safeguarding against Phishing in the age of 4 Industrial Revolution (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership program)
- 02.11.2020 - 01.11.2022
- Newsletters:
- Project Website
- Project card in the European results platform (E + PRP)
- Intellectual outputs:
IO1.1 | Recognising phishing and skills gaps | English | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Greek |
IO1.2: | Analysis of Existing Cybersecurity training programmes | English | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Greek |
IO2.a | Short version of curricula for dissemination | English | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Greek |
IO2.b | Extended version of curricula for training material development and for training | English | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Greek |
IO3 | Online learning material (integrated into the online learning platform) | Training material, Online learning environment | ||||
IO4 | Simulations for education (gamification) (integrated into the online learning platform) | Training material, Online learning environment | ||||
IO5 | Self-evaluation and knowledge evaluation system (integrated into the online learning platform) | Training material, Online learning environment | ||||
IO6.1 | Methodological guidelines for trainers | English | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Greek |
IO6.2 | Methodological guidelines for implementation | English | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Greek |
- This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

- SPARTA: Special Projects for Advanced Research and Technology in Europe (H2020)
- 01.02.2019 - 30.06.2022
- Project Website
- Newsletters: 16.06.2020, 26.02.2019
- Autonomous Driving Lab
- BOLT project, 01.09.2019 - 30.09.2021
- More info at the lab's website.
- BlockNet: BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership program)
- 01.09.2018 - 28.02.2021 -- Good Practice Example badge from the Erasmus+ National Agency.
- Project card in the European results platform (E + PRP)
- Project Website
- Training material
- Newsletter 23.02.2021 -- in English
- Newsletter 17.02.2021 -- in Lithuanian
- BLISS: Blockchain Skills for ICT Professionals (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership program)
- 01.10.2017 - 31.03.2020 -- Good Practice Example badge from the Erasmus+ National Agency.
- Project card in the European results platform (E + PRP)
- Project Website
- Training material
- Newsletter 27.03.2020 -- in Estonian, English
- Newsletter 30.09.2019 -- in Estonian, English
- Newsletter 29.03.2019 -- in Estonian, English
- Newsletter 25.10.2018 -- in Estonian, English
- Newsletter 04.04.2018 -- in Estonian, English
- Hackathon on big data analysis and visualization (The Baltic-German University Liaison Office)
- 19.08.2019 - 15.11.2019
- Project Website