Modelling Languages for Blockchain Applications

Supervisors: Mubashar Iqbal and Raimundas Matulevičius

Contact: rma ät ut dot ee

While designing and developing blockchain applications (dApps) developers need to deal with the principles of distributed ledger, chains of blocks, smart contracts, crypto-hashes and other domain specific concepts. However the standard modelling languages (e.g., BPMN, UML, Archimate) does not contain constructs to represent dApp components. Although there exists a few attempts to enrich the modelling languages, but these mainly result in the model annotations and they do not include systematic extensions of the modelling language. The main goal of this topic is to develop the semantic and syntactic modelling constructs to support modelling of the blockchain applications. The main steps of the research include:

  • Review the literature for the blockchain application modelling
  • Define the dApp modelling domain
  • Develop the semantics, concrete and abstract syntax for the dApp modelling (this could be done either as extensions of the existing standard languages or as a proposal of the new modelling language)
  • Illustrate feasibility of the proposal in the dApp modelling example.